Sanatana Deeksha Samskara -Females are also Eligible

Females can also attain karma deeksha like male Sadhaka. But Some pashva practitioners claims that Parnava mantra and Swaha is not for Females and Shudras. This restriction is according to Pashva kalpa.In veera kalpa and Divya kalpa females and shudras can practice Tantra Sadhana.In Tantra chintamanai it is clearly mentioned that , Puranasammatam what ever written is related to Pashava kalpa(Pashu achara).Tantraokata is related to Veera and Divya kalpa practice.Even Dvija  are shaktas – “Sarva Shakta dvija prokta: Na Shaiva Na vaishanava:Adi Shakti upasmahe Gayatrim Veda mataram”and Sanatana Deeksha Samaskara Starts from Upanayana, Gayatri kalsha  Abhishekaand Brahmaopadesha.This pracrice are done according to Pituparampara which may be Pashva kalpa practice.When Sadhaka get faith in Mantra and Tantra Practice  by Pashvakapla practice ,He has to find out Kaula Guru and get Amnaya Kramadeeksha and Practices to attain Shivatattva and kaivalya.Only by attaining krama Deeksha from Kaula Guru sadhaka attain higher level ,Veera to Divya bhava then only he become Tantrik. Normally people practice Pashva Kalpa claims as Great Tantric.Mainly it is Ashta pasha janaita, samaja dharma adhishtitha and Puranokta. For example practictioners  of kshetra tantra is also known as Tantriks.Many of them actually is Pashva kalpa practictioners and they are who believe in chaturvarna and who are in Ashtapasha and gets Ananda in it. By Understanding and practicing a a small part of tantra  called pashva kalp no one can claim as Tantric.Transformation happens when You get kaula deeksha and practices ,you will not be attached with Ashta pasha janita kula jati sheelam Etc. This ia actually the real path of Adwaitam.You can see in rare temples and Shakti peetam pashva kalpas are not entertained. Even pashva kalpa practitioners are not allowed because they  cant  practice them, hence they claim veera kalpa practice as madhyam karma and Pashu kalpa practice as Uttama.My understanding is Veera Bhava is uttama and Divya bhava is uttamottam and PashuBhava is Adhama.This is only because of pure ignorance people says Pashubhava is uttama and pure.So after attaining Pashu bhava we have to attain Veerabhava and become Divya bhava  which will give Punarjeevan of our Sanatana Dharama.