Deeksha in Tantrashastra

 Deeksha  is the Divine spiritual realationship  with Guru and Shishya. Shishya has to surrender at Gurus feet for his Atma kalyan.Shishya has to understand he is not different from his Guru . Guru is always in him and He is always in his Guru.Shishya Should feel his Guru as his Ishta devata in his Hrit kamala.This kind of visualization will give him the darshan of Ishat devata easily.Deeksha is the divine knowledge which helps him in the path of Spiritual journey. Di means  dana and Ksha means khiyate, giving spiritual knowledge and taking all impurities.Different kinds of deeksha are Sparsha, Drik, Ved, kriya, Varna, kala,Shambhavi and Vak etc.

Need of Deeksha
Normal person doesn’t know about poorva janamsamskara and also present janama adhikara. Normally when he sees some one like his friends ,relatives etc practicing mantra japa, and also reading the merits of different sadhana in books available in market or any other media, he gets attracted and starts practicing mantra japa. But his mind will be always in doubtswether he is in correct path or not ? He also may be thinking wether this works and gives siddhis .This kind of thought process will never give positive results. Then he may be attracted to other mantras that he think is superior than the previous . Like this he never complete his sadhana and always will be jumping one to other and never can accomplish his goal in mantra sadhana. To get result in mantra sadhana you should have strong belief. To get the strong belief and the systematic approach you should get Deeksha from traditional Guru parampara and well educated practioners. Deeksha is very important in spiritual journey

“Dadati Shiva tadatmyam kshinoti cha mala tryam
Ato deeksheti Samprokta deeksha tatwarti vedibhi
Deekha gives you shivatvam and removes all three mala,only this is the real traditional Deeksha
“Diyate jnanam Kshiyate pasha bandhanam”
By getting the Deeksha Guru blesses you with Knowledge and removes all Ashta pashas
Once Divine knowledge flows to you All sins removed
So Deeksha is transformation of Pashu Roopa shiva to the Supreme Divine Shiva

Krama Deeksha
KramaDeeksha is very important in Practice of Tantra shastra. Only by the grace of Sri Guru kram Deeksha is attained. It is given according to the eligibility of the disciple. Karma Deeksha abhisheka can happen in days ,months and years. This system of practice is not for layperson . This is for hardcore Tantra sadhakas. This secret is revealed only through Guru and Shastra.

Need of karma Deeksha
By getting initiated and practicing one Maha vidhya sadhaka can attain moksha but Swayam Shiva Roopa is not attained, to become the Real Shiva swaroopa and attain Nirvana is only possible by karma Deeksha( knowledge and practice of Shadamnaya).With one Amnaya practice Ashta Siddhi and Navanidhi etc can be attained .But to become the Supreme Shivatattva Shadamnaya practice is needed . Knowing and practicing Shadamnaya and purifying Shat chakra supreme Shivattattva is attained. By getting a portion of Tantrasadhana nobody can claim as Tantriks.